"Plants N' Music" Science Project.


We do not accept our hypothesis.
Is was very much wrong.

We thought, because of our research that classical would have the best effect on plants and rock would have a terrible effect. That was not the case.
Not at all.
Our hypothesis has been rejected as correct because the "Blues" plant grew so much larger and faster then both the "Control" plant and the "Classical" plants growth rate put together.
And as it was the "Rock" plant actually grew faster the the "classical" plant, and is appr. 1 cm larger then the plant that we predicted to grow so swiftly( the "classical" plant.).
We think the end results may have something to do with the vibrations in the blues music that was played to the fastest growing plant(the blues plant), so maybe the vibrations blues music creates guides the plant to a much swifter and healthier growth rate, then anything else, even the plant with no music at all (the "Control group" plant).